Profil du prestataire thierryx96

Informations générales sur le prestataire thierryx96

Nickname : thierryx96
Date inscription : 24/06/2019
Dernière fois en ligne : 31/05/2022
Classement : classé 3 680ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire thierryx96

Domaines de compétence


Object Oriented Programming : C#,Python, Java
Functional Programming : Scala, F#

Frameworks/Library : Entity Framework, Reactive Extensions (Rx), Scikit Learn (Machine Learning), Apache Spark

Dependency Injection : Ninject, Autofac, Unity


Relational DBs: Oracle 11g, MSSQL Server (DBE, SSIS, SSRS), PostGres

NoSQL & Doc DBs : Redis, MongoDB, AWS Dynamo DB, Azure DocumentDB, Google Firebase

Web Services

WebApi : Asp.Net (WebApi/MVC/OData), NancyFx, dotnet core, Python Flask + Eve

Web Servers Techs : IIS, Owin, NodeJS

Push: SignalR, Websockets

Jobs/Task Scheduling : Hangfire,

Security: JWT

Entreprise Bus

Enterprise Bus Middleware: NServiceBus, MassTransit

Transport: Azure Service Bus, MSMQ, SQL Broker, RabbitMQ

Web Applications

Frameworks: AngularJS (1.5 to 5), VueJS, Knockout, ReactJS

Languages: JavaScript ECMA6, Typescript, Html5, CSS (LESS/SASS)


Tools/Frameworks: Karma+Jasmine, NUnit, Moq, Selenium

CI/CD, DevOps tools

CI/CD : Git,Perforce, Teamcity,Jenkins, Octopus Deploy, VSTS

Tools & Support: Jira

Expérience professionnelle  

Work experience

Literacy Planet (Australia) 9/2018 - now

Senior Software & Data Engineer (part time)

Literacy Planet: web platform offering literacy and learning applications for schools and students

  • Backend microservices : scala + redis + ElasticSearch + rabbitMQ, on AWS (ECS, Lambda … )

  • Adaptive learning for students using Machine Learning : Spark + scala, on AWS (kinesis)

Mila AG, Zurich (Switzerland) 5/2018 - 9/2018

R&D Software Engineering Contractor (part time)

Mila: community-based web platform offering technicians’ services to individuals

  • Backend connector integrating with Salesforce: python: eve + flask, Salesforce SOQL

  • Research project on mocking salesforce for integration testing purposes

EHyve Sarl, Delemont (Switzerland) 1/2017 - 8/2018

CTO & Co-Founder - participated to fintech F10 incubator (

EHyve: web-based personal financial management platform, aggregating user financial data from many sources

  • Front end: Angular 2-6, webpack, rxJS

  • Backend and datastore: mongoDB, google Firebase, C#, Azure Service Bus

  • Bank transactions categorization using machine learning: python, flask, scikit learn

  • Setting up and maintaining cloud infrastructure and deployments: AWS, Azure, VSTS

Gitman, Gold Coast (Australia) 1/2017 - Now

Blockchain developer & Co-Founder

Gitman: bug hunting web platform using Github and Ethereum for automatising bug fixing and payments

  • Smart contracts on ethereum: solidity

  • Backend: C# dotnet core, Web3, Service Bus, Google Firebase

PayAdvantage, Gold Coast (Australia) 5/2017 - 3/2018

Senior Software Engineer

PayAdvantage: web-based direct debit and credit processing platform

  • Credit Card Processing: integrations with credit card apis provider (Westpac & Pin-Payment): dotnet core

  • Automated verifications (KYC) of clients: users onboarding and identity verifications: VueJS, RabbitMq, C#

  • Web apis security audit and stateless authentication: implementation of a token based authentication system for apis and web apps, JWT (Json Web Token)

Development Infrastructure modernisation: development tools and method migration to CI/CD environment over VSTS

Pacific Environment, Brisbane (Australia) 11/2016 - 5/2017

Senior Software Engineer

Envirosuite: web-based pollution monitoring and modelling solution

  • CQRS-like implementation: Redis (AWS), AWS SQS

  • Jobs scheduling management: Hangfire, AWS EC2, Angular

  • Public WebApi: Asp.Net WebApi 2

  • DB Migration management: DbUp, EntityFramework

1ICT, Brisbane (Australia) 7/2016 - 10/2016

Senior Software Engineer / Consultant

Domino's Pizza Online Ordering Platform Website Improvement: retail online ordering system at Domino's

  • “Abandoned Cart” implementation: Azure Service Bus, Redis, MVC, ES6

  • Speed & Performance Improvement: PingDom, Google PageSpeed

Derivco Ltd (Microgaming), Durban (South Africa) 5/2013 - 6/2016

Senior Software Engineer

Company-wide master data management: collection, aggregation of company data into one single store

  • Backend: Graph DB (Neo4J), C#, Microservices (WebApi)

  • Event Sourcing: NServiceBus

Real-Time support system: responsive and real-time tickets tracking system integrating with an existing CRM

  • Backend: MSSQL, Entity Framework, C#, Linq, WebApi, OData, Token Auth …

  • Push/Delta data feed: CQRS, Sagas, NServiceBus, SignalR

  • Frontend: SPA, AngularJS, ECMA6, Html, CSS, grunt.js, bower.js

  • QA: Jasmine, Specflow

  • CI: Gitflow, Teamcity, Octopus

SIX Group (Financial Services), Bienne (Switzerland) 3/2011 – 3/2013

Software Engineer, Database Developer

ASP (Application Service Platform): reference data, tailor-made solutions for clients from a single source

  • Data processing: Oracle 11g, PL/SQL

  • Presentation & Admin UI: C# Asp.Net MVC 3, KnockoutJS

Swatch Group (Sport Services), Bienne (Switzerland) 5/2009 – 3/2011

Software Developer

OVR competition solution: comprehensive solution for on-site live competitions management

  • Competition data and result management: WPF, C#, Xml

  • Output Graphic TV System: WPF, VizArtist

Hevron SA (Metal Construction), Courtetelle (Switzerland) 1/2004 - 5/2009

Software Developer, Database Developer (internship, part-time & full-time job)

“In House” CRM: tailor-made solution for managing orders, employees and budget.

  • N-tiers core application : MSSQL, C#.Net/ADO.Net 2.0/WPF

  • ETL for legacy database import to SQL Server databases: MSSQL, DTS, SSIS

  • Reports design, hosting and viewer implementation: MSSQL, SSRS, C#

  • “Long-range planning” data-bounded application: Borland Delphi 7, Steema Graphics solution

THOMSON LLC (Multimedia), Princeton (USA) 6/2008 - 11/2008

Software Developer (internship)

Video CODECs tests platform: scalable solution for regression testing of Video CODECs

  • Generic test engine & plugin management: Python

  • Clusters on Unix Systems monitoring for compression/decompression operations: Torque Server

  • Web interface: Python-CGI, html, CSS



HEIG-VD, University of Applied Sciences, Yverdon (Switzerland) 2005 - 2009

Software Engineer (Bachelor HES)

CPP/EHMP, Post Professional School, Porrentruy (Switzerland) 2001 - 2005

Computer Specialist Training CFC (Federal Certificate of Proficiency)

Technical Vocational Maturity

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